Digital Bridges
Project Name: Digital Bridges
Programme: Erasmus+
Priority: KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
Project ID: 2023-1-BE04-KA210-YOU-000154225
Website: Coming soon
Social media: Coming soon
Duration: 01/09/2023 to 31/10/2024
Topics: Entrepreneurial learning – entrepreneurship education, Promoting active citizenship, Employability, Inclusion,
Project Description
Digital bridges will advance youth entrepreneurship and employability by empowering young migrants and refugees with digital entrepreneurship skills, enabling them to start their own businesses and create employment opportunities. It also aims to bridge the gap between migrant and refugee communities and wider society, promoting diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship and education. The main objectives of the Digital Bridges project are:
- to empower young migrants and refugees in Belgium, Italy and Lithuania to develop digital entrepreneurship skills and improve their employability
- support their social inclusion by providing tailored training and support that takes into account their unique cultural, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds – to equip youth workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively support and mentor young people with migrant backgrounds in their digital entrepreneurship journey
Project Coordinator
Open Education Hub – Belgium
Menas ir inovacijos – Lithuania
My Country? Europe. – Italy
Project Results
Activity 1 Management and coordination
Activity 2 Creation of state-of-the-art youth competence map
Activity 3 Digital Bridges micro-training course
Activity 4 Digital bridges guidelines for youth workers
Our Role
OEH will be the coordinator of the project. OEH will also head A4 as OEH’s organisation is made up of a diverse group of workers with a broad range of expertise, which can add significant value to the process. OEH may leverage the collective experience of their team to create a comprehensive set of methodological guidelines that cater to the project’s requirements.
Digital Bridges will directly engage 435 young people with migrant backgrounds and 42 youth workers. Additionally, the novel micro-training course will be promoted through various channels to attract a minimum of 150 self-enrolled young people to participate. Furthermore, the project partners will actively disseminate project outcomes through various means, such as social media, conferences, and events, to reach a broad audience of at least 15,000 people.