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Silent Victims – Erasmus+ Project: Silent Victims of Hidden Pandemic – Mobility in Timișoara, Romania

From Romania to Turkey and Belgium, youth workers came together in Timișoara for an inspiring training mobility under the Erasmus+ Program – A Promising Future: Youth Workers Training Mobility.

The event was filled with impactful activities aimed at understanding and managing emotions, fostering creativity, and building a brighter future for silent victims of hidden pandemics. Participants engaged in:

🟢 Dissemination Presentations – Sharing insights from each partner country
☕ Networking Over Coffee – Strengthening connections
🎭 Emotion Management Workshop – Learning ways to navigate emotions
📽️ Video Session & Analysis – Exploring how focus shapes emotions
🎨 Art Workshop: ‘Our Future Lives’ – Expressing hope and vision through art
📖 Storytelling Through Art – Sharing the meaning behind each creation
🏆 Certificate Ceremony – Celebrating achievements and participation

A huge thank you to all the participants and the host organization for making this event a success! 💙 Together, we take steps toward a more aware, empathetic, and resilient future.

ErasmusPlus YouthWorkers SilentVictims EmotionalAwareness AProMisingFuture InternationalCooperation

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